Mensa Furtwangen

Aktueller Speiseplan

Auf Wunsch vegan
Additives labelling
alc: with alcohol, nF: from sustainable fisheries, ri: with beef, sch: with pork, 5: with antioxidants, 6: with preservatives, 8: with phosphates,
Ei: eggs, Er: peanut, Fi: fish, Gl: glutenous grain, GlG: barley, GlW: wheat, ML: dairy/lactose, Nu: edible nuts, Sa: sesame, Se: celery, Sf: sulfur dioxide/ sulfite, Sn: mustard, So: soy,

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Weitere Infos zur Mensa Furtwangen

Furtwangen University's canteen is centrally located on the university campus. Choose your favorite from a total of three to four food lines. One of these dishes is vegetarian or vegan and one consists of fish or meat as the main component.

Cafeteria Furtwangen

The cafeteria is located one street away. The café is equipped barrier-free and offers a terrace, which invites you to eat, drink and relax during the summer months. Here you have a wide selection of freshly made rolls, pretzels, various Danish pastries, delicious muffins and donuts, fresh cake slices and warm snacks (meatloaf rolls, pizza). In our assortment there are also many vegetarian and vegan products. Sweets and ice cream, as well as, of course, a wide selection of hot as well as cold drinks, the cafeteria has to offer. You will find many BIO products or even Fairtrade products. 

If you have any questions or concerns about the cafeteria, Mensa and UniCard, the staff will be happy to help you.

Info on accessibility

  • Barrier-free toilet on the ground floor