FAQs zur Zimmer- und Wohnungssuche
- SWFR dormitories Online Application via housing portal
- Free Housing market in our Service platform: shared flats, flats, flats and rooms for subletting
- Housing for help
- Useful tips on the subject of finding a room (in the infobox)
During the lecture period, finding a room on the free housing market is usually easier than at the beginning of the semester. In any case, as a first semester student you should look for a room as soon as possible, preferably directly after receiving your admission. If you are already studying, the best time to change is at the end of the semester.
Applications for a room in one of our dormitories are possible at the earliest 6 months before you wish to move in. You can only apply on our online housing portal.
At the beginning of the winter semester, we set up emergency accommodation as needed. You can stay there temporarily at a reasonable price.
The demand for accommodation is highest at the beginning of the semester. However, the supply on the housing market is limited, so not all students will find their "dream apartment/room".
Therefore, here are our tips:
Make sure you also look in the area surrounding your place of study.
Many surrounding communities are easy to reach by bus and train (e.g. Denzlingen, Gundelfingen and Kirchzarten in Freiburg).
You may be able to rent a room or flat for a limited period of time.
At the beginning of the winter semester, private landlords often rent out a room in their own flat for a limited period of time. If you are offered a room that doesn't quite meet your expectations, but that you are reasonably happy with, it is advisable to accept the offer first. As soon as you have settled in at your place of study and made new contacts, the search will be easier and you will have enough time to look for another room in peace.
In the service portal "Free housing market" you will find rooms and flats from private providers, not from SWFR itself. We check the room offers in our service portal before they are made available to students. However, we cannot completely rule out dubious offers from landlords. You should therefore be particularly careful if:
- An advance payment is requested directly because the landlord is supposedly abroad.
- No viewing is possible
- No telephone number is given
If you think you have found a dubious offer, please contact our accommodation service: zimmer@swfr.de or phone 0761 2101 204. Only if you inform us can we investigate such cases.
Tips for finding a room:
- Register with all portals and respond quickly to new offers.
- Also search in social media (e.g. Facebook groups).
- Most shared flats are not purpose-built flatshares: Your first message to your possible future flatmates should be personal and individual. Describe yourself and your interests, what you can bring to the table and what you expect.
- Place an ad in the newspaper yourself.
Here you can find more tips and information on finding a room:
DSW: Wohnen (studierendenwerke.de)
- WG-Zimmer/Zimmer in einer Wohngemeinschaft (a room in a shared flat): In einer abgeschlossenen Wohneinheit befinden sich mehrere Einzelzimmer meist mit gemeinsamer Küche, Bad/Dusche und WC.
- Untermiete (subtenancy): Bei Zimmern zur Untermiete handelt es sich meist um ein leerstehendes Zimmer in der Wohnung des Hauptmieters. Meist werden Küche, Bad/Dusche und WC geteilt.
- Appartement (apartment/flat): Ein Appartement ist eine abgeschlossene Wohneinheit mit eigener Küche, Bad/Dusche und WC. Meist eine kleine Wohnung.
- Souterrainwohnung oder Tiefparterre (basement flat): Die Räume der Wohnung befinden sich in der Regel im Keller oder Untergeschoss eines Gebäudes. Oft haben im Souterrain gelegene Wohnungen trotzdem eine eigene Terrasse oder einen Gartenzugang.
- Einliegerwohnung (granny flat): Eine Einliegerwohnung befindet sich in einem Einfamilienhaus, meist im Kellergeschoss oder Hochparterre (im ersten Stock) und verfügt über einen separaten Eingang.
- Kaltmiete (basic rent): Grundmiete
- Warmmiete (warm rent): Kaltmiete plus Nebenkosten (hierzu zählen beispielsweise Wasser- und Heizkosten)
- Möbliert (furnished): mit Möbeln ausgestattet; Teilmöbliert (partly furnished): teilweise mit Möbeln ausgestattet; Nicht möbliert (not furnished): nicht mit Möbeln ausgestattet
EG = Erdgeschoss (ground floor)
OG = Obergeschoss (upper floor, first floor)
UG = Untergeschoss (basement)
TG = Tiefgarage (underground parking)
DG= Dachgeschoss (top floor, attic)
KM = Kaltmiete (basic rent, cold rent, net rent)
NK = Nebenkosten (incidental costs, extra charges)
WM = Warmmiete (rent including heating, warm rent)
Wfl = Wohnfläche in m2 (living space in square meters)
ZB= Zimmer mit Bad (room with bathroom, room en suite)
Zi = Zimmer (room)
ZKB = ein Zimmer mit Küche und Bad (one room with kitchen and bathroom)
ZKD = ein Zimmer mit Küche und Dusche (one room with kitchen and shower)
BLK = Balkon (balcony)
In our housing intermediation service (Zimmervermittlung/ Freier Wohnungsmarkt) you will find rooms and apartments from private landlords, not from SWFR itself. We check the room offers in our service portal before the offers are accessible to students. Nevertheless, we cannot completely exclude dubious offers from landlords. Therefore, please be especially careful if:
An advance payment is demanded directly because the landlord is supposed to be abroad
No viewing is possible
No telephone number is given
If you think you have found a dubious offer, please contact our accommodation service: zimmer@swfr.de or phone 0761 2101 204. Only if you inform us, we can investigate such cases.
Every student who is registered at a Freiburg university or has a note of authorization may utilize the housing intermediation service provided by the Studierendenwerk Freiburg (SWFR).
In order to use the SWFR service platform, you must register on our website (www.swfr.de/registrieren). As soon as you have completed the registration, you can log in and upload your proof of study (certificate of study or matriculation, letter of admission for first semester students) under "my account" in the top right-hand corner.
We will check your proof of study and activate your account to search for rooms or flats offered by private parties. You can then immediately search for rooms in the service portal under "Free Housing Market".
Yes, the accommodation service is a free service provided by SWFR.
The housing intermediation program offers rooms in shared apartments, rooms for subleasing, separate single rooms, and apartments for subleasing.
The Studierendenwerk Freiburg (SWFR) offers free legal counselling for students. For an appointment please mail to In this e-mail please give us your full name, your telephone number and what your question is about. Please attach your certificate of enrollment. We will contact you.
You can apply for housing assistance at the “Office for Housing and Property“ (Amt für Wohnungswesen und Liegenschaften) whose street address is Fahnenbergplatz 4, e-mail: alw(at)stadt.freiburg.de