Franco-German Photo Contest

The Franco-German Photo Contest is a project of the German National Association for Student Services (DSW) and its French counterpart, the Centre national des œuvres universitaires et scolaires (CNOUS) in cooperation with the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW).

Every year since 2015, students from France and Germany have been invited to submit their photographs on a specific predefined theme. A binational jury decides on the winners and puts together a small traveling exhibition that then goes on tour through German and French university towns.

Franco-German photo competition 2025 on the theme "PEACE"

The ninth Franco-German photo competition, a project of the DSW and Cnous, sponsored by the DFJW, is currently announcing the interesting theme "PEACE".

You can win the following prizes:

  • 1st prize: 1000,- Euro
  • 2nd second prize: 750,- Euro
  • 3rd Franco-German Friendship Prize for a particularly successful commitment
    to Franco-German friendship: 500 Euro

→ Registration deadline is 12/05/2025

Please register to take part in the photo competition directly via the website at


The Franco-German jury consists of representatives of the Cnous, the DSW, the financial support organization DFJW and former award winners, artists or photographers. The jury selects the exhibited works and the award winners based on the following criteria

  • Relevance of the photographic work to the topic
  • Creative thematic treatment of the topic
  • Overcoming clichés, ingrained ways of thinking and prejudices
  • Technical quality of the photograph

The results of the jury meeting will be announced at the end of June 2025.

Conditions of participation

  • The photo competition is open to all students of legal age enrolled at a German or French university
  • Digital black and white and color photos in JPG format (*.jpg) with a minimum resolution of 2362px X 3544px and a minimum size of 3 MB can be submitted
  • The quality of the image material should be sufficient for the exhibition (print format 30x40 cm)
  • The photos must be taken personally by the participants, AI-generated photos are excluded from participations
  • Only one photo per participant can be submitted

A traveling exhibition and the digital exhibition with the best photos of the competition (max. 25 photos) will be presented in the Associations for Student Affairs in Germany and the Crous in France in 2025/2026.

Data protection regulations

The personal data collected as part of the competition will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act. In the application of this law, participants have a right of access, rectification, modification and deletion of data concerning them personally.