Emergency Housing
The Studierendenwerk Freiburg will, as in previous years, offer an emergency accommodation for this winter semester from 01.10. on for those who are new to Freiburg and have not yet found a place to stay at the start of the semester.
Online registrations are expected to be possible from 28.09. Before this date, there is no possibility to register for a place in the emergency accommodation.
No more move-ins from 4.11. onwards for the current semester. In very urgent cases: Requests possible with phone number at notunterkunft(at)swfr.de.
In the emergency accommodation, there are three rooms with 8 bunk beds each (16 people per room). Each resident is assigned a bed, bedding and fresh covers, a small lockable cupboard in the sleeping area, and another in the communal kitchen upon moving in. The sleeping areas and bathrooms are usually separated by gender.
The emergency accommodation is a chargeable offer from Studierendenwerk Freiburg (SWFR). Only students who are new to Freiburg and have been admitted to or are enrolled at one of the following universities are eligible to move in:
Albert-Ludwigs-Universität, Pädagogische Hochschule, Hochschule für Musik, Evangelische Hochschule, Katholische Hochschule, Hochschule Offenburg, Hochschule für öffentliche Verwaltung Kehl, Hochschule Furtwangen, DHBW Villingen-Schwenningen, DHBW Lörrach
Students who have already lived in Freiburg for one or more semesters are NOT allowed to move into the emergency accommodation.
Upon your arrival, you need to present:
- your letter of admission or enrollment or study certificate
- your ID card
- fee of 120 euros in cash (10 euros per night and 20 euros key deposit)
Only students who meet these requirements and have not previously lived in Freiburg are allowed to use the emergency accommodation.
You will receive your place in the emergency accommodation for a fee of 10 euros per night and for that a one-time fee of 120 euros (including key deposit of 20 euros) has to be paid in the beginning. The fee including the key deposit, minus the costs for the number of nights you stayed (max. 10), will be refunded when you check-out of the emergency accommodation – if no damage has occurred.
The maximum duration of overnight stays per person in the emergency accommodation is supposed to be 10 nights.
One day before your specified move-in date into the emergency accommodation, you must confirm your registration again. Only after the reconfirmation will you receive detailed information about the location.
If you need the address of the emergency accommodation for your entry into Germany in advance, please send a short email to notunterkunft(at)swfr.de.
The office hours of the student assistants are usually as follows:
• From 01.10. to 14.10. a student assistant is available daily from 2 pm to 4 pm and from 6 pm to 8 pm
• From 15.10. on only from 6 pm to 8 pm.
• From 04.11. on only check-outs are possible from 6 pm to 8 pm.
→ For check-in: online registration required in advance
Quilt and pillow and fresh bedding / lockable cupboard in the bedroom and kitchen / lockable kitchen cupboard / communal refrigerators / toilets and showers.
Unfortunately, there is very little space for luggage. So please limit yourself to the most important things.
There is no study space on site. However, you can use the specialist libraries of your university or the university library for studying.
Eduroam (campus-wide WLAN of Uni Fr.) also works in the emergency accommodation.
You will receive a pink-colored key receipt when you move in. Please make sure you keep this! With this key receipt, you can register as a new citizen of Freiburg. Once you have done that, you can also take care of a bank account/health insurance/enrollment. You can find tips on this here.
You can receive your mail during regular opening hours at the office of the technical staff.
The bathrooms of the emergency accommodation and the floor of the communal kitchen are cleaned regularly. The sleeping rooms must be kept clean by the students themselves. Dirty dishes must be cleaned by the users themselves. Trash must be disposed of by the students in the corresponding containers.
The maximum duration of overnight stays per person in the emergency accommodation is supposed to be 10 nights.
Extensions in exceptional cases are only possible if there are enough free sleeping places available. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee you an extension.
In addition, it is required that you have previously taken advantage of the support in finding accommodation during the open consultation hours set up by the SWFR in the info center - no appointment necessary, waiting time possible. (Mon 1pm-5pm, Tue 9am-1pm, Wed 1pm-5pm, Thu 1pm-5pm, Fri 9am-1pm; Basler Straße 2, 79100 Freiburg)
Extensions can only be made by the student assistants of the emergency accommodation, given that you appear at the latest on the day of your check-out during the office hours of the student assistants of your emergency accommodation.
Here you will find some good tips on finding a room.
For this case, the SWFR has set up consultation hours at the beginning of the winter semester for all emergency accommodation residents seeking help at the SWFR info center // Baslerstr.2, 79100 Freiburg. The staff there have an open ear, good tips on finding a room or apartment and will take time for you.
No appointment necessary. Just come to the open consultation hours at the following times and bring some waiting time with you:
Monday/ Wednesday/ Thursday 1 pm to 5 pm
Tuesday/ Friday 9 am to 1 pm