FAQ on the subject of residence
Apartments are single rooms with a small kitchen row and own bathroom/toilet. The kitchen is not a separate room, that is the difference between apartment and one-room flat. We offer apartments in most of our dormitories, e.g. in Campus, Lehener Straße, Stühlinger, Studentensiedlung, Vauban and Händelstraße in Freiburg, as well as in Großhausberg in Furtwangen and in Zähringerstraße in Offenburg.
The date of moving out has to be fixed at least 10 working days before moving out with the respective caretaker by using our Wohnportal.
You get the information for moving out from us with your confirmation of the termination. There you find also information about cleaning or renovation.
The caretaker will survey your room contactless. If you wish.to receive an inspection report, please contact us.
About 4 weeks after the acceptance of the room you get back the deposit by way of transfer to your indicated bank account.
We need your banking details of a Bank in Germany or another country with EURO-currency to withdraw the monthly rent, the onetime deposit or accruing fees. Please fill out the acceptance forms with your banking details and send them to us. If your banking information changes, please inform us via housing portal, this will be the most easiest way.
Applications for a room in a dormitory can only be accepted online. Please catch up in advance under online application.
Please regard that it is sometimes worthwhile to focus on few dormitories, because not all dormitories are suitable for everybody. And you should feel good in the end. So it does not have to be a disadvantage if you apply specifically for a dormitory.
The most frequent offers in our dormitories are single rooms. This can be a room in a shared apartment with 2 -6 persons or a room in a community living on the same floor together with up to 22 students.
If you rent a single room you share the sanitary facilities and kitchen with other students in your shared apartment or floor. Therefore a single room is not an apartment where you have the facility on your own.
Single rooms are just rented to a single Person.
Generally you can pick up the keys in the office of the caretaker on the spot. Please notice that you can’t pick up the keys on weekends or holidays.
Please note our indications about how to pick up the keys that you get together with the rent contract.
If you can’t pick up the keys during the regular office hours of the caretaker you can also fix an appointment with him. You can find the phone numbers and the Email-adresses in the documents of your rent contract or on the website of your dormitory.
Please also catch up our information about the fee-based service of Digisafe.
You can move in each day after the commencement of the rent contract. Moving in previously is only possible in absolut exceptional cases and after an agreement with the previous tenant.
In all of our dormitories you have the possibility to shelter your bike roofed or in part even inclosed.
In some of our dormitories you will find Frelo rent-a-bike with special conditions for students.
For the conclusion of a lease contract, removal, early departure and other special services we charge a fee. The current overview of fees you can find here.
You got the house rules with your contract documents. It is a component of the contract and it must be abided from the tenants.
As a result of breaking the house rules you can get a written warning and in the next step an instant termination of the rent contract.
The International Office of the University provides a special contingent of rooms for international program-students. If you are interested please contact the responsible person.
So called free mover have the possibility to acquire a Service Package, if they study in Freiburg. The Service Package includes a furnished room in a dormitory and further advantages e.g. student health insurance.
Moreover you have the possibility to apply online for a room in a dormitories .
In all of our student residences we offer standard internet accesses, in some of them with WLAN.
If there are any problems with your internet access, please contact the internet provider. In order to find the contact address, please visit the website of your residence.
With the start of your contract, you have to pay a deposit of 400,00 € for a single room, respectively 500,00 € for an apartment or 700,00 € for a familiy flat, which you will get back when you move out and your room is in a good condition. The repayment of the deposit is around 4 weeks after you moved out.
Please take notice of the rental accounting advices.
Your contract has a certain duration and normally lasts a 6-semester period. If you want to move out before, you can cancel the contract within a deadline of 1 month to the end of the semester (for Freiburg March 31st and September 30th, for Offenburg, Kehl, Villingen-Schwenningen and Furtwangen February 28th and August 31st).
Cancellations which are beyond this deadline, aren’t at due date but still possible to the end of the month, if you tell us one month before in a written way and the extra demand for rooms is large enough. For cancellations which aren’t at due date there will be a special fee. It is possible that you have to pay further monthly rent whereby we try to find a new tenant as quick as we can. Please note that we start with the allocation of the rooms 2 to 3 month in advance. As sooner you give as information about your cancellation the bigger will be the chance that we will find a new tenant.
The subletting of the room is the responsibility of the landlord (so us!). We can’t accept new tenants from your side. Cancellations have to be made via housing portal or sent by post to the administrative address and they have to be always in written form and with your signature. You will find a form here.
Our general terms of hire are components of the contract and from §2 arranged. In these terms it is integrated: who is entitled to residence, which rights and obligations the tenant and landlord have, which fees are included in the rent, how the termination of the contract conditions are and much more. To see more, click here.
New tenants are generally chosen by the landlord which is the Studierendenwerk. We can’t regard suggestions from your part (exceptional Händelstraße 20 and old building Falkenbergerstraße 20).
Parking places are available at each residential complex. Partly you can rent garage places or roofed places. If you want to rent a parking place, please contact the responsible person in the housing administration.
The broadcasting fees are not a component of the gross rent and it has to be paid by the tenants. Details you can find here: Informationen about broadcasting fees.
Your certificate of matriculation is your permission to live in a residence.
You are liable to send us for each semester an actual certificate of matriculation till April 30th and October 31st (respectively for students in Offenburg, Villingen-Schwenningen and Furtwangen till March 31st and September30th) via our housing portal. If you don't have a password yet, you can request one via the onlineportal.
If you don’t send us the certificate of matriculation even on our request, it can be a reason for terminating the contract.
Removals within the dormitories of the Studierendenwerk can be allowed, if it has a reasonable form. However, the end of your contract period does not change.
Generally removals should be announced at least 2 months before, in order to consider your wish if it is possible. Please note, we can only accept removals for contract terms of at least 1 year.
We charge a fee for removals. You will find it in our scale of fees.
In order to give as many students as possible the opportunity to live in our dormitories, we limited the rental contract period to 6 semesters.
In special and explained cases it is possible to extend the rental contract till 8 semesters. In this case you have to justify your wish to the dormitory administration.
For most of our family accommodations in the Studentensiedlung in Freiburg, you need a certificate of eligibility for public housing, called "Wohnberechtigungsschein" from the state Baden-Württemberg. This certificate you can request here.
If you are on delay with your payment of the monthly rent, please inform our rental accounting directly. It is a good idea to inform us timely and to search together for a solution before we have to admonish you.
Please remember: Payment Arrears are a reason for a termination of the contract.
If you go abroad, need a break or make a study related internship and you won’t quit your room, you have the possibility to sublet your room for a specific period of time. If you want to rent your room to an interim tenant, you are obliged to inform us.
It’s your right to propose your interim tenant, because normally you will leave your personally objects in your room.
Under everything about the tenancy agreement you will find a form with all information we need for an interim rental. Interim tenants have to be matriculated students at a Studierendenwerk Freiburg associated University as well. We can’t accept other tenants.
You have to know that you will stay always in the liability, e.g. for loss of monthly rents or damages in the rental property.
Interim rentals or sublettings which aren’t notified to us will lead to a written warning respectively to a termination without notice.