Kita Pusteblume

Welcome to the homepage of the "Kita Pusteblume" of the Studierendenwerk Freiburg!
We are an institution for 1-3 year olds and offer full-day places for 40 children of students. Our day care centre is located in the direct vicinity of the University of Education Freiburg, Kunzenweg 17. Our facility is characterised by lovingly and child-friendly rooms, a spacious outdoor area and varied, freshly prepared meals. The team is made up of specialists with different educational training and skills, who work daily on a successful individual educational partnership with you and your child. The professionals are supported by educators and child carers in the year of recognition and interns in the voluntary social year.
We are pleased that you have found your way to our website and would be pleased to welcome you personally in our day care centre.
Our concept is referring to the latest plan of orientation devised by the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg.
1. Approach towards the Child
We approach every child with appreciation and empathy, respect each child’s individuality and will support it at its own pace. Through a repetitive and comprehensible daily rhythm we are ensuring structure and assurance. Appropriate to the child’s ages, it also has the chance to participate in the daily routine.
2. Settling in and attachment figure system
The settling in period is defined as the time in which the child, its parents and the attachment figure get to know each other. The attachment figure is a professional, who is responsible for ensuring the child’s wellbeing in the daycare center as well as the cooperation with its parents. The settling in period’s goal is to form a trustful and stable bond with each other. Once the foundation has been created, the child can open up to its environment and approach other children of the group and other adults at the daycare center.
3. Observation, documentation and portfolio
In order to adequately and individually accompany the child we regularly observe and document every child’s development. The portfolio is a folder, which is created for each child with the goal of documenting the child’s interests and learning process through photographs and texts. Furthermore, it can be used as the basis for parent-teacher meetings and contributes to keeping our pedagogical work transparent.
4. Care
Care tasks are a fundamental part of our pedagogical work. We are guided by Emmi Pikler’s principle: the relationship oriented care. It is defined by mindfulness and appreciation towards the child and its needs. Care tasks exceed pure hygiene as they contribute to our relationship work and create a trustful and secure atmosphere.
5. Nutrition
A balanced and diverse diet is essential for ensuring the child’s healthy development. Therefore, we are mindful of providing regional and seasonal foods which are prepared freshly on a daily basis.
Eating together as a group improves the child’s group affiliation confidence as those situations encourage both imitation and learning from each other.
6. Sleep
Sleep is one of every child’s fundamental needs. Therefore, we are ensuring a balance between the children’s play and rest periods, which are integrated through fixed sleeping periods in our daily routines. The transition into falling asleep is accompanied in a quiet and gentle manner and children are supervised by at least one professional during the sleeping period.
7. Rooms and playing areas
Children spend the majority of their time playing by imitating every day experiences and processing them. Our premises are designed age-appropriate and encourage the creation of further experiences. Additionally, our garden provides the opportunity to experience nature and to create a awareness towards it.
8. Inclusion
All children at our daycare center are accompanied and supported in regard to their personal needs. We recognise our work as the individual development of each child. If required we also cooperate with special educational support institutions in order to accommodate children with special educational needs.
At the Pusteblume day care centre we offer 4 full-day groups, which we look after between 8:00 - 16:30. At the moment we have 10 children aged 1-3 years, two full-day specialists and one part-time specialist who take care of the children.
The day care center is open Monday thru Friday with the exception of legal holidays and its closing hours. They are determined for a one year period of time and published in advance. If the center has to be closed for a special reason, such as construction work, the center will inform parents in advance.
Full day Mon - Fri 8.00 am - 4.30 pm
Daily Routine:
08.00 - 10.00 Free bring time for parents / breakfast and free play time
09.30 - 11.30 free play time
11.30 - 12.00 Lunch
12.15 - 12.45 First pickup time / wrapping
13.00 - 15.00 Sleeptime
15:00 - 15:30 Snack
15.45 - 16.30 Third pick-up time / free play time
Parental contributions are based on the contributions of the City of Freiburg. These can be found on our “Our daycare centers” page.
Admission criteria
The daycare centres accept children from one year of age.
Children with and without disabilities are looked after together as far as possible. The different needs of both disabled and non-disabled children are taken into account.
Places are allocated according to the following criteria:
1. Children of single parents who are studying or in training and children of parents who are both studying or in training
2. Children of parents withone parent who is studying or training and the other parent is employed.
3. Children of single parents in employment.
4. Children of working parents.
Registration procedure
The day-care places of the Studierendenwerk are extremely popular. Therefore, you might have to wait a certain amount of time between registration and admission to the Kita.
Registration for day care: The city of Freiburg has introduced a central reservation procedure for places in Freiburg day care centres. This also applies to the day care centres of the Studierendenwerk. Interested parents can use this procedure to reserve a place for their child in our day care centres. The preregistration of the child is done via an online form, see right here on the page.
Please indicate your preferred day care centre as the first priority.
The registration of a child is possible from birth.
After the online registration, an appointment is first made by telephone for a personal information meeting with the management of the day care centre.
This will give you the opportunity to get to know the premises of the institution and to find out about the daily routine in the groups, settling in, etc.
Afterwards, the additional written registration at the Kita is made using a provided form.
When the completed form is submitted, the child is placed on the waiting list. Exceptions to this order may be necessary under certain circumstances.
The certificate of enrolment is enclosed with the registration form. If a certificate is not yet available, it must be submitted as soon as possible, at the latest when the child is admitted.
15.03.1994: The Kunzenweg crèche is opened.
April 1995: Parents and educators build the willow hut on a Saturday.
July 1996: A 3rd class of the Reinhold-Schneider-School paints the wall in the Einganshof with colourful fish under the guidance of PH students.
June 1997: Under the supervision of Dieter Theilmann, parents and teachers build a green roof over the large sandbox. Now the children can play in the shade. Two years later, the hammocks also receive a green roof.
Summer 2001: At the summer party, parents and educators look for a name for the crawling room that is suitable for children. The name "Dandelion" will win the race.
August 01 - July 2002: Discussion about the construction of the tunnel entrance of the new B31-East at the height of the crawling room. It is feared that the new EU limits for air pollutants cannot always be met. Several city councillors and members of the state parliament from various parties, the then Lord Mayor Dr. Böhme, the university rector and, last but not least, the parents' council of the crèche are campaigning for the construction of a protective wall, as proposed by experts. Just in time before the opening of the new street, the wall is really built. - Relief!
Spring 2004: The morning and afternoon groups are now open 5 ¼ hours daily from March instead of the previous 4 ½ hours.
Spring/Summer 2004: For the 10th anniversary, SWFR employees* will plant a greenery on the outer wall. This should make spraying the wall more difficult. Afterwards, 2 volunteers of the Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr (FSJ) together with 2 mothers will paint the rest of the wall with animal pictures, which remind of the group names of the crawling room Pusteblume.
2011: Change of leadership. For Mrs Greiner, who is retiring, Mrs Egy will take over the management of the Pusteblume crèche. In 2011 the team develops a new nutritional concept. The previous lunch from the canteen will be replaced by freshly prepared lunch.
2012: The full-day groups are extended. They are now open until 16:30. The morning groups are now also provided with the lunch they prepared themselves.
2013: The Pusteblume nursery gets an extension for a multipurpose room.
2014: Restructuring of the Kita from 2 morning groups - 2 afternoon groups - 2 full-day groups to 4 full-day groups with opening hours 8.00 - 16:30. This meant a reduction in the number of day-care places from 60 to 40.
Forerunner of the "Pusteblume" day care centre: A parent initiative of PH students
Studierendenwerk as responsible body: Provisional arrangement in the PH; Studierendenwerk as responsible body and two educators