Child care centres
We, the Studierendenwerk Freiburg, give the children in our daycare centers the space to develop, to discover themselves and the world, and to feel safe and protected from the very beginning. We see ourselves as a university service provider whose primary task is to improve the general conditions of your studies. That is why we support you in balancing your studies, career and family. It is our concern to accompany your child on its individual development path. We want to support you as a family in a spirit of partnership and care for your children with full commitment.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Zwei Rutschen für Kinder in der Kita](/fileadmin/bilder/soziales/Kitas/Kita_Kleine_Kn%C3%B6pfe__2_.jpg)
Kita "Kleine Knöpfe"
Glacisweg 3 79098 Freiburg
The daycare center "Kleine Knöpfe" is a facility for 1-3 year olds and offers space for 60 children of students in different forms of care (morning, afternoon, all-day care) . The main train station, university, UB and city center are within walking distance.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Innenraum einer Kita](/fileadmin/bilder/soziales/Kitas/Kita_Pusteblume__3_.jpg)
Kita "Pusteblume"
Kunzenweg 17 79117 Freiburg
The "Kita Pusteblume" is a facility for 1-3 year olds and offers full-day places for 40 children of students. Our daycare center is located in the immediate vicinity of the Freiburg University of Education. Our facility is characterized by lovingly and child-friendly designed rooms, a spacious outdoor area and by varied, freshly prepared meals.
![[Translate to Englisch:] Kuscheltier in einer Kita auf dem Bett](/fileadmin/bilder/soziales/Kitas/csm_img_0985_af004ee7e5.jpg)
Kita "Wolkengarten"
Georges-Köhler-Allee 73 79110 Freiburg
The "Wolkengarten" daycare center accepts children from the age of three months. The daycare center "Wolkengarten" is a joint daycare center of the university, the university hospital and the Studierendenwerk Freiburg. The daycare center is run by the Jugendhilfswerk Freiburg e.V. As the Studierendenwerk, we offer space for a group of ten toddlers (from three months to three years). Registration takes place directly with the management of the facility.
Our dedicated and qualified staff offers the children a varied daily routine with targeted offers, projects and varied free play. In an atmosphere of security and trust, your child will receive the best possible support in its personal development. It is very important to us that your child settles in well and feels comfortable in the daycare center.
Our caregivers are always available and want to work with you to create an atmosphere in which your child feels safe and secure. Ten children at a time are cared for by two professionals who are supported by additional helpers. The directors can concentrate fully on their organizational tasks and are released for this purpose. More information about our pedagogical work can be found in our pedagogical concept (see info box on the right).
Call the daycare center of your choice and make an appointment to get to know them!
In advance, a look at our pedagogical concept, our fee lists and our usage regulations, which are part of the childcare contract, can't hurt. They provide orientation in important organizational, pedagogical and content-related topics. We hope that these documents (in the info box on the right) will help you and your child to decide in favor of our daycare center and to feel comfortable with us.
Interested in becoming part of the daycare team?
Are you looking for a meaningful job where you support, accompany and actively shape the development of children? Are you creative, motivated and a team player?
Whether you are an educator, a childcare worker or a professional trainee - trainee in the year of recognition, etc. - we are looking forward to your application. - We are looking forward to your application via bewerbung(at) and to getting to know you!
Further information: Working in our daycare centers
SWFR offers other childcare facilities in Freiburg and in the field offices.